Just to be clear, no chickens were lied to in the creating of this post

A couple of weeks ago, I got to tick another item off my bucket list. I went to see a my first ever Burlesque show with The Lovely Sabs, Navjit and Side-Eye. I was aware it involved half naked ladies, emanating confidence, whilst busting a move, but had little other insight. After getting lost walking in a circle around Leadenhall Market (only to find out that the place we we’re looking for was pretty much where we started off) we ended up at Grace hall. We were greeted by long red velvet curtains and 2 rather eccentric, ladies, who were so bright & bubbly they could have made the Grinch smile at the beginning of the film. As we entered we had unicorn dust sprinkled in our hair - which is apparently the new hand stamp and escorted down to bar area to wait until the doors to the main event opened.

So I settled down with my salty popcorn and Side Eye ordered her favourite - A cheese platter. Bless her, this girl is never happier than when there's a cheese platter parked in front of her. So with snacks and alcohol at the ready, we were prepared for the show to begin. Now I’m not going to give you a play by play of what happened, you need to see a show first hand to truly enjoy and appreciate it, but I will share a few things that would encourage me to see another show and maybe even take a class.
- Energetic - The MC gave so much animation to her performance, that she held the audiences attention the whole way through
- Dancers - Its not just women getting up on stage and shaking ass's in their underwear. Some of the moves preformed required the skill and flexibility that goals are made of
- Confidence - There were women of different shapes and sizes, proving sexiness has now boundaries and does not conform to one look. They all wore their confidence, better than their nipple tassels.
- Entertaining - The moves, the lights, the outfits, the performances - all great
- There weren’t any lows to speak of, however there was a part of one of the acts where one of the ladies pulled a condom through her nose and out of her mouth - I’m in no hurry to see that again. Despite that, this is still a great way to spend girls night or even date night
So my month was off to a good start. Fast forward 72 hours, to me being told by my doctor, that the antibiotics had in fact, not worked and that I needed to head to the hospital as surgery was Inevitable. Considering I’d been in pain for 36 hours prior to this conversation as the abscess had started swelling again, I’d made peace with it, by the time pre-surgeon had confirmed it would be happening the next day. So after being knocked out for a couple of hours, and waking up to an IV of Fentanyl, surgery was a success and I’m now housebound for at least the next few weeks, whilst I recover, with my only outings being to the GP to endure the whole packing re-packing saga. Thankfully Santa dropped off an early Christmas present in the form of Dihydrocodeine - Which FYI makes you drowsy as fuck, so I wouldn't suggest taking it for long periods of time - Especially as you cannot drink whilst taking them.
I'm disappointed that I'm missing being able to socialise for the most wonderful time of the year, as well as the Starbucks eggnog latte and seeing Frozen 2 in the Cinema (although I did consider buying 2 tickets for a sofa at Everyman so I could lie down to watch it). But its dealing with the feeling of Isolation that's been the biggest challenge. My friends and Family have been great, but being stuck at home for the majority of the day everyday, not even able to sit has been a little hard to deal with. So I'm working on ways to keep my spirits up. I'm working from home and trying to watch a new Christmas film everyday. Today I watched Rise of The Guardians - LOVE IT. Getting this post out is a reminder that having more time on my hands doesn't have to be all bad. Yes, its difficult, especially for me, who is so used to being around people, but its also helped me to see it from the perspective of other people that may be housebound or just on their own at this time of year or always. I love Christmas and I'm grateful I have family and friends to spend at least parts of it with. But for some people, this is the hardest time of the year. So I want to send out some some Christmas Love to anyone who may be feeling a little extra lonely right now, or anyone that is struggling to deal with life at the moment. My Christmas wish is that you get through it and don't lose your smile 💝
I'm off to continue my Annual Harry Potter marathon - because whats Christmas time without Harry Potter?
Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don't let anybody shit on your rainbow💖