Princess Nellington Boots 
I am a 36 year old London lady who is trying her hand at writing a blog.  This is new for me. It feels like to be starting a blog in 2019, is like being an adult and going back to my first day of nursery.

This is a personal blog with no particular subject to focus on. Its mainly about me writing about whatever i feel like at the time. I am on a pursuit of  happiness and this blog is not only going to be a part of that but will also help me to document it. I will be blogging about my experiences throughout this journey, all the new things I try, the lessons I learn and even the bad days I have. Ideally I would like to post something everyday, but if I feel i'm simply rambling for the sake of of not missing a day, I may just not share. On the other hand I  may share a picture of something funny or positive - who knows, but I guess if you keep following this blog we will both find out.

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