27 May 2019

Friends, Family & Food

I've been quite the social butterfly this week.

Which considering how manic work's been, is quite an achievement in itself.

I've been making an effort to participate in more things that make me happy this week. I've been binge reading my current book Fairytale by Danielle Steele. Its at that, what I like to call 'peak point' of the book. I'm so engrossed I'm even reading whilst walking to the washing machine to get clothes. Reading is definitely up there, as one of my top five ways to spend time. As much as I understand the practicality of a kindle, I do prefer to be able to turn the pages of a book.

As the title of this post suggest my week has consisted of friends and food.

Monday - I took the day off work , under the assumption of going to a Game of Throne's party. That didn't come to play, so I figured, I'd stay up and watch what I assumed was going to be an epic finale. Cue the disappointment. For me, the last ever episode of GoT was the worst one I’ve ever seen. It didn't give this legendary show the the amazing send off I would have expected. Don't even get me started on ”Bran the Broken” being king 😞 With that being said GoT still is and always will be one of the most awesome shows to ever grace our TV screens.

Cheeseburger & Fries @ The Ned 
Wednesday - I went for what I thought would only be a couple of drinks with my loony pal Mr Francis. We proved we can be adults and rather than drinking enough, to already see the next days hangover, by 10pm, we decided to go to dinner. We were both quite proud of ourselves for making such a grown up decision. We rocked up to The Ned, ordered a couple of burgers, had few more drinks, listened to some live music and being the little sociable sally’s that we are made a few friends along the way.

Jack Fruit Burger & Sweet Potato Fries @ The Ned 

Friday - I met up with an old friend. Monica and I haven't spoken in almost 10 years. Due to a falling out, over which we both now agree,  was a simple case of miscommunication. It's weird how in life, there are some things, you'll just  never see coming. The universe intervened and presented an opportunity, where I bumped into her at the train station and said hello. It then sprinkled a little fairy dust and gave her the courage to reach out to me. To which I am  grateful for. We met up at Liverpool street station and from the minute we saw each other to the minute we left to go home, It was like we'd been friends for the last decade. I've missed having her in my life. Sometimes you make peace with the way things have been and figure Its best to leave them that way, until a situation occurs to show you, that change is possible. We have both agreed, that we would like to see if we could rebuild a friendship and I'm super happy that we're both in a place in our lives where we can be open minded enough to try.

Smoked Schinkenacker @ German Gymnasium 
 Saturday - I went to see Jon Wick with a friend. For the sake of this blog and keeping shit under wraps we'll call him Mr Seeing What Happens. (Mr SWH for short) We went to the at Everyman Kings Cross. As you may or may not know, Everyman Cinema's are slightly pricier than your average Cineworld or Vue, so it isn't necessary to watch every film there. However, the  sofas paired with a few glasses of Prosecco and some popcorn, imitates a good night in,whilst actually having a night out. I'm also not unhappy about the cozy setting it created for Mr SWH and I. Now, if you haven't yet seen Jon Wick: Parabellum, I would suggest you trade in this month Netflix subscription money and go and see it. Without giving away any spoilers, there is some serious violet action, literally within minutes of this film starting. There were parts in this film even I had to turn away from the screen for. Knife in the eye. I'll leave you with that. Needless to say, It did'nt disappoint and left it open for a chapter 4. After the usual critique over anything we watch, we strolled through the newly done up Kings Cross, to German Gymnasium. The outside of this building, does not do it justice as to how beautiful it is inside. The food was really good. I had the Smoked Schinkenacker -  2 smoked and grilled pork sausages, with sauerkraut, potato puree and crispy onions. When it turned up, I was sure I'd have room for dessert. I was wrong..lol. It's easily going on the list of great meals I've had in a long time .
Mr SWH had the chicken schnitzel and this bird literally covered the plate. With good food, a good film and good company Saturday turned out to be a rather good day. Topped off by getting home and having a few more drinks and a lot of laughs with my dad and my uncles.

Bank Holiday Monday - Had a Family lunch at Prezzo. I'm not a massive fan of the food at Prezzo. This is my second time going and I have to say, I wouldn't choose to go again. However, I did try my first ever Calzone and it was a nice afternoon spending time with some of the family.

Calzone @ Prezzo 
I can go weeks without having a full social calendar. Sometimes because there is simply nothing on the books, sometimes because I’m not in the right head-space to be sociable. I’m grateful that the past week has seen fit, to allow me the time and mindset be able spend time with so many people. I'm lucky enough that I have people around me. I'm lucky enough that I am still welcoming people into my life. I'm lucky that until the 3rd June, my weight is the least of my concerns. 

So today’s message is...

Enjoy life wherever you can.
Spend time with people that make you smile and bring out the best in you.
Appreciate the friends and family you have.
Make room for new people to join your life.
Create space for old people to return.
But most importantly....eat as much good food as you can. I’m all about being healthy and in the best shape to maximize my confidence and happiness, but not at the expense of a couple of good sausages. I’m still talking about food you dirtbags, get your mind out of the gutter

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don’t let anybody shit on your rainbow💝


  1. Those pictures are making me so hungry, YUM!

  2. Very good! Everyday must be party for us! I totaly agree spending more time with friends and people who love, bring the best of you and fill you with energy and good emotions!
    Great Post!


    1. Awwwww thank you for taking the time to read this and yes we must spend time with the people that mean the most to us ☺️

  3. Glad you were able to have such a social week! I find at the end of my days I'm just too lazy to actually go out and do things with people. With summer quickly approaching, I should mix it up a little though!
    I'm so glad John Wick was good!! I didn't expect to like that series as much as I did.

    1. Its funny because some weeks all i literally want to do it go home and get on bed and some weeks, I'm a social butterfly...lol. Jon Wick is the best ever
