05 June 2019

Thinking it Through

Is me, planning the centre pieces for a polyamorous wedding between Anthony Joshua and Tom Hardy thinking? Its probably more day dreaming. 

I read a post on Linkedin recently about taking more time to think. There was a guy, (we'll call him bob) who advised that he spends most of his life travelling for work. This leaves him with a lot of occasions where he's waiting around in airports. He used to spend these little pockets of time catching up on emails and making phones calls. One day, whilst being slapped with a 4hr delay, rather than catch up on work, Bob decided to make use of the unexpected  time in the departure lounge, by simply sitting  and thinking. He sat and thought about life, about new business ideas and how to strategise for them. He came to learn, that as productive as it was, to get in that little bit extra work, between departures, taking some time out to just think about things had become beneficial to him.

Now, as an over-thinker, someone suggesting, to spend more time thinking, makes as much sense as running through a mud assault course, in your wedding dress, the morning of your wedding. Like I need to add thoughts to my ever expanding cognitive library. 

However, I've come to realise there is a difference between "Overthinking" and "Thinking". I spend at least 65% of my day overthinking. Which serves as a good explanation for my constant state of unrest. Thinking on the other hand is a totally different concept. Thinking is a way to plan things out. To create a process of how to get things done. Rather than the chaotic spinning of thoughts, doing a washing machine cycle in my mind, caused by overthinking. 

So after reading Bob's post, I started thinking about my pursuit of happiness. What I'm trying to achieve? The steps I've taken to get there? The steps I still need to take? The mistakes I've made that I need to learn from? The things that need less of my attention? The things that need more of my attention? 

I haven't been focusing on writing, as much as I would have liked, over the past couple of  months, which is pulling me further away from my dream life. So taking the time to think about all of the things I want and ways I can achieve them , has put me back on a more productive path. 

Its not just my career goals that I've been deliberating. I've also been reflecting on the fact that its time to start dating. Time to start making the time to get to know people. Time to start making the effort to go on dates. I'm not saying I want to kiss any frogs, but if it helps me to find my prince, I'm gonna apply some MAC Ruby Woo and  pucker up.  

I also need to get my ass in gear with ticking things off of my bucket list....

  • Cooking & Baking - Need to try a few new recipes 
  • Podcasts - I want to add some more motivational and funny ones to my library 
  • Reading more - Would like to get through 2 books a month rather than 1 
  • Watching less TV (but not giving it up completely) Netflix is like a fleece blanket for me - very comforting.
  • Working out consistently - I've actually gotten a little better with this one, but there is still room for improvement                                                                                                            
Its not like I've forgotten all of the above, but apparently if its not on a post-it at the forefront of my mind, it kind of drifts to the back and puts its feet up. 
Like they say "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" although maybe "Out of Thought, Out of Mind" is more applicable to this situation. 

Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash
So in between thinking about ways to get me writing more, how best to smash my goals and where myself and my 2 future husbands are going on honeymoon (sometimes you have to daydream a little bit 😄) I've got my mojo back.  It feels like I have 'thought' my way back into a more positive attitude. Like thinking about all of the things I want to do, made me happier and gave me that energy back to go for it. 

 I guess that's where the phrase "Think Happy Thoughts" comes from.

Side note: If you feel you need a little extra help, finding your happy place, turn your head slightly to the right and check out this cute pic of a dog in a swing. Seriously....I'm not even a dog person and that's making me smile. 

Have a great day, remember you're a unicorn and don't let anybody shit on your rainbow 💖


  1. Great read! I need to think more myself!

  2. I love this! I have long commutes so I try to put the phone away and just think things through and ideas generates. Problem is I then can't focus on work because of all the blog ideas in my head!

    1. Thank you for reading Hun. Blogging ideas and work fill my brain..lol

  3. You are so right with the difference between overthinking and thinking. There is always room for improvement but I like to think I spend more of my thinking time thinking than overthinking.
    Like you I always want to limit my tv time and also social media.
    Thank you for sharing with us!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read hun, I’m glad to be learning the difference between the 2 😊

  4. I too have been trying to get my writing mojo back ! congratulations on pushing forward!

  5. Very nicely written! I felt like that this weekend, and just got out of my funk like today! Lol we got this and our goals, concurred!

    1. Thank you hun. Glad you are feeling better. We have got this...lol
