13 March 2019

Slow Your Ass Down

I'm still sick šŸ™„ Didnt get chickenpox, measles or mumps as a child, but get taken out by a common cold now. 

Go figure. And yes, I’m aware I would have been better off getting chickenpox as a child, as opposed to getting it as an adult, but I'm an 80’s baby. Back then avoiding your kid scratching the blisters, so that they didn't incur the permanent scars was the biggest concern.

So yes, I'm still stuck at home fighting off this germ infestation. Thankfully I have a job that allows me to work from home and a boss that gives a shit. There are some plus sides to my current role. Despite this cold sending me into ultra brat mode, being sick does make you have to slow down. Which leads me to the question - was it so easy for me to get ill because I'm constantly on the go, not slowing down and taking the time to look after myself?  I don't mean becoming a lazy bastard and never moving from the sofa, but I get so caught up in running around at work making sure to get shit done - so much so that my mind normally doesn't even switch off from work related thoughts. Then I come home and am making sure everything is sorted here and in my personal life. I get so engrossed in making sure I'm getting everything done all of the time, I completely lose sight of the fact that you can't live like that all day every day. You have take time to zone out from it all.  If you just keep going at maximum speed all of the time, your mind becomes chaotic and then you stress yourself out and then before you know it the universe intervenes. Quite frankly I would rather the universe intervened with an all expenses paid holiday to Hawaii, (just putting that out there universe) but there you go.

In the event, that we have to take care of not overdoing it, to a point of destruction, ourselves, we need to remember how important it is to put ourselves first. We can easily be coaxed into making sure other people's needs are met and can completely lose sight of our own. Basically we need to be saying “FUCK EM” more. (I touched on this in an earlier post “Cartoons & Chocolate”) We are in charge of our own happiness and yes being ridiculously selfish is shitty. But being selfish enough to the point where your happiness and well being is not suffering is a necessity. Don't stay in that relationship that causes you pain because you don't want to upset the other person. Don't stay in that job that makes you miserable, because you don't want to put other people out by leaving or are scared of taking a chance on something new or following your dream. We only get one life. There are no do-overs and one of the biggest heart breakers in the world is regret. We should be aiming to live our best life at all times. And yes life circumstances can make, making these changes difficult - kids, bills, living arrangements -  I get that. But if you have to stay, let it be for those reasons and only until  you can come up with a plan on how to leave. Do not let fear of the unknown keep you in that dark place. Realising that we all deserve to live the best lives we can (I say we all, but not paedophiles - in my eyes, they don’t deserve shit - and yes that may be controversial and hypocritical but on this particular subject, I couldn’t give a fuck) takes practise. It takes remembering all of the time, that if you do not make yourself the priority in your life, your not living your life for you, and therefore what is the point in that. 

So as I sit here blowing my nose for what feels like the 100th time, I am reminding myself to stop running myself into the ground for others, that it wears me down to the point of getting ill. I will keep helping obviously,  but not at the expense of my health or happiness. Or my waist line - stress eating is well real. Don't believe me? You should see my snack cupboard. 

As I have finished working for the day, I am going to wrap myself up in my favourite fleece blanket and sprawl out on the sofa and watch Homeland. Yes, I know I'm late, but I had to get through Peaky blinders šŸ˜† Mmmmm Tom Shelby šŸ˜

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don't let anybody shit on your rainbow ❤️

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