10 March 2019

Sods Law

I had no idea, when I started writing this blog if I had what it took to get out 2 posts let alone 20. It would appear that I do😁

After publishing that first post, I hoped I had it in me, but as with all things you take a chance on, I had my doubts. I still do, I'm just not letting them stop me. I mean I've made it this far right? I have downloaded Grammarly, so my posts should no longer look like I left school at the age of 4 and l’ve now shared all of my entries on social media. Exciting times.  I should be doing a “Get in Girl” proud dance on my dining room table. But instead I’m wrapped up in bed with a bloody cold. Fuck you germs, you inconsiderate assholes. Instead of going out for a little celebratory dinner or drink, I'm stuck at home with a tub of Haagen daaz watching Disenchantment on Netflix - Don't get it twisted they're both very good pastimes I'm just saying l’d rather be doing them when my face isn't  watering more than the fountains at Trafalgar Square. I know I should be focussing on the positive rather than the negative, but I’m a brat when I’m ill.

So unfortunately this will not be a long post today, mainly because I don’t want to get snot on my iPad. I just want to say despite feeling like patient zero, I’m super happy that I started writing, proud  that I have made a commitment to it, surprised that it’s given me something to work towards but most importantly its given me a healthy emotional outlet so that punching irritating people in the throat is not my go to. Sooooo progress 😆

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don’t let anyone shit on your rainbow ❤️

1 comment:

  1. {|I’m a web content developer. I've seen Grammarly was advertised for anyone who throws down articles. Grammerly cannot give me help with all I need to do my job. The text I create must also be the best in Google returns or I don’t get paid. Ink editor is absolutely not as great as Grammarly when it comes to spelling help, but Ink for All is amazing when it comes to SEO.
