It is crazy how I can go from feeling super happy and enjoying life to feeling sad and wanting to shut myself off. Happy mindset meet Anxiety. 🙄
Its like it waits for you to be feeling at the top of your game and then says “That’s my cue”
I don’t think I’m having a full on episode. It feels like I’m just struggling with my sense of calm, feeling overwhelmed by a million and 1 thoughts and can’t find my focus. Hmmmm, on second thoughts. I was working harder at the beginning of the week at focussing, staying positive, being productive, then the distractions of everyday life started creeping in and have peaked in the last 12 hours. I know its up to me to get myself back to that better headspace. To worry less - therefore eliminating some of the many thoughts circulating my over active brain. To remember that even these mad up and down emotions are all a part of my pursuit to happiness or as I am also referring to it “The Better Me Movement”
It takes a little bit of effort/work everyday. The 3 key things I need to keep on a rotating loop are Belief, Consistency and Patience. As the 3rd one is my nemesis I’m rolling my eyes at it even whilst I’m typing that. I want this shit fixed now!!
So what can I do today to help? Well, I’m going to eat a mini tub of ice cream and maybe some popcorn. Yes, emotional eating is another issue to pin to the things I need to tackle board. But also I haven’t actually eaten that much today so I am kind of hungry too. I have been doing a few 10 minute meditations with Calm this week - Love this app BTW. So will fit in another 10 mins before bed. As well as writing here I have dropped a few words in a journal I keep. Honestly, in an ideal world, I would have a magic wand and just use some kind for Harry Potter style expelliarmus spell, to get rid of the negative energy that’s parked itself on my shoulders. But we don’t live at Hogwarts. So I am going to have to resort to muggles way of dealing with this. 😆
Let go the things I am worrying about so much - most of them don’t deserve the amount of attention they are getting. Focus on happy vibes and remember baby steps. If I can learn to not punch people that irritate me in the throat, I can learn to pick myself up from feeling a little down. Would you believe that writing this has cheered me up? JK, it was the thought of some irritating prick being punched in the throat 😂. And no, I’m not advocating violence. I’m simply saying that I have come across some rather annoying people in my lifetime and the thought of them getting a right hook in their wind pipe is funny as fuck.
Anyway, I’m off to remind myself that I am an amazing badass. You should too 😘
Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don’t let anybody shit on your rainbow❤️
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