11 February 2019

Be Your Own Cheerleader

I have been super stressing, about not being able to come up with an entry for today.

Its had me worried that I managed a whole week, but that maybe it was pot luck and  I actually have no clue about what I am doing. I have been so proud of every entry I have posted over the last 8 days. But not knowing what to write about all day today has got me doubting why I even bothered starting this blog. So I thought I would check out Pinterest (looking at shoes, desserts and holiday spots really does cheer me up) and I came across a blog that had some great posts about blogging as a beginner.

It made me realise the below  

A) I have only been doing this for a week - So if i’m nowhere near perfect thats ok

B) This a something for me. Something I did to make me happier - I love that I have stepped out of my comfort zone and  am sharing it, but its something I am doing for myself first and the world second.

C) I need to stop worrying about what people may think of it or say about it - truth is not everyone will like it. But some people will love it - All I need to focus on is writing it. But you get protective over things you put your heart into and are proud of.  Plus there are some serious c**ts in the world. (Im not quite ready to fully drop a C Bomb on here just yet. Don’t worry give it time. Someone will piss me off enough)

D) The most important one of all - Enjoy it. Stop stressing over not being able to post something everyday (although managing to write this post has  kind of smashed todays problem) I have been excited about writing this all week - lets not let fear and worry trample all over that.  Below are a couple of quotes that have helped me today.

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don’t let anyone shit on your rainbow ❤

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