05 February 2019

Frozen Blueberries

So as you can imagine being that this is my 3rd day of writing this blog, with no particular subject in mind, other than sheer randomness, I am stumped as to what to write about next.  So I figure i’d give a shout out to my favourite healthy snack....Frozen blueberries 😋

Why frozen? Because I love the cartoon 😂 Just kidding. Not about loving Frozen its an epic cartoon. (Please don’t anyone disagree i’d hate to have to punch you in the throat) It’s because I don’t like the texture of fresh blueberries, they feel weird in my mouth. For the at least 50% of the population that think like me, get your head out of the gutter. This is not a post about things that may or may not feel weird in my mouth - although put a pin in that we should definitely circle back to this subject at a later date. 

Now here’s the weird part.  I can’t  buy them frozen and eat them, I have to buy them fresh, freeze them and then let them defrost a little, so they are like little slush puppy balls.  I could literally eat bucket loads.  So much so that when I went to America last year to visit my sister, she had to buy a massive container and freeze them before I arrived.  She really is the best.  She’s probably the only person reading my blog posts (because she is the only person I have told I am writing them, I still haven’t quite plucked up the courage to let the whole world know yet, but I am still writing them so baby steps) but mainly because she is one of my biggest supporters in life.  

What’s most amazing about this relationship is that she is not my sister by blood. However she means more to me than some of my blood relatives combined.  Its crazy that we are taught that blood family is everything and that you have to stand by them, put up with their shit, have them continuously negatively impact your life because they are family. When in reality that’s horseshit.  I’m not trying to disrespect anyone’s family values or beliefs, all I’m saying is if blood family relatives hurt you, cause you drama and just add unnecessary stress to your life on a regular basis, its okay to get a machete and cut them out.  Its probably not okay to use that machete to cut them, but I will leave that decision with you.

On the flip side, if you have people in your life that help to lift you up, are by your side through any and everything its okay to call them family. They say blood is thicker than water, but if blood is drowning you, jump your ass in a lifeboat and head to the ocean. 

Just to be clear I have 2 sisters - The one I am referring to above “my adopted sister” and my baby sister (who we share the same dad but not mum's). People like to correct me and say “oh your half sister” No Linda “My Sister” Both of them are simply my sisters. I love them both, would die for them both (equally would kill for them both) and my life would be worst off without them in it. 

The same can  be said for a few of my friends. They have gotten me through some really tough times over the last few years and I am grateful to have them in my circle. You definitely do not need a football teams worth of friends,  just a few really goods ones.  Even just 1 or 2 will do.  I have had some very lonely times over the past couple of years that have taken me to some rather dark places, but having some great people in my life has helped me to find my fight and to not give up. Don’t get me wrong, giving up has been an option more times than I care to admit, but I haven’t yet and I’m working towards making sure I never do.

What do you know I found something to write about 😄 Here’s to hoping this shit keeps flowing.  So I have decided I am going to sign off my posts with the same positive message I sign off my walk the walk videos with (will post a video after my next walk)

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don’t let anyone shit on your rainbow ❤

Oh yeah, I also have a brother 😂 

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