07 February 2019

Meat Free

Seriously no meat whatsoever 

If your mind works on the same inappropriate sexual axis that mine does, you may be inclined to think, the title of today’s post is in reference to my lack of penis due to my dating status.  If not and you thought that I just made a meat free meal, you would be correct. 

If someone had told me a year ago, I would be able to actually enjoy, let alone cook a meat free meal myself, I would have said that, that person had hit the crack pipe way too hard that day. But what a difference a year can make. I have definitely cut down on my meat intake (and my penis intake - I’m less happy about the latter) over the last 12 months and I’m actually adapting to it.  Now all of you vegan’s out there, please do not throw your quinoa in the air in celebration, I’m not giving up meat for good. I’m not about that life. But I can definitely appreciate some contributions from your world. Not that the meal I made today was Vegan, more vegetarian. But I did try a lasagne made with lentils for the meat, butternut squash for the pasta and cashews and oat milk for the cheese aspect recently and you know I would happily eat it again.  Am I going to trade in chicken for chick peas........hmmmmmmm NO.  But they can both live in harmony on my plate. 

So today, after asking my vegan friend what I should have for dinner, he suggested a wrap.  Now that sounded like a good idea as I knew I had feta at home.  So I picked up some veggies and wraps after work and voila.  I have even attached a little video I made.  Please excuse my lack of filming & photography skills, I’m no Michael Bay.  However please do appreciate my beautiful kitchen.😍 Now I know your probably thinking  “You made a wrap, big deal”.  True, its not a big deal to make a wrap, its veggies and bread.  But it is a big deal for me to have tried a new recipe and to share it (with a video I might add, I’m going to see if I can go 2 for 2 and attach some pictures too) on my blog. Quite frankly I’m proud.  Rather than just go with something I may usually have for dinner, I decided to branch out.  

So the moral of the story is, a small task this may have been, nevertheless I  have done something new that I am proud of. Proving you need to take small steps as well as big ones to find out what you are made of. 

One small step for man, one giant leap for my tummy😂

Well I have got dishes to wash and frozen blueberries to eat.

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and don’t let anyone shit on your rainbow ❤

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