16 February 2019

Get Up and Get Out

As if my body clock really woke me up and 6:30am on a Saturday morning 🙄

Logic would have suggested I stayed awake. The comfort of my bed recommended otherwise. So when my alarm when off at 8am, I almost threw my phone. That's the problem with going back to sleep, it makes you more tired when the time comes to actually get up. In my case grumpier. Nonetheless I forfeited the coziness of my bed and got up.

I got walk the walk done - video below.  I even switched up my route getting in 11.5k rather than usual 10. I'm not sure I will be doing that every week, walking up 2 hills back to back is great for my glutes but I wanted to fall back into the land of nod as soon as I got home.

As I have been holed up in my house on weekends since the beginning of the year, I decided it was time to take that crucial step of doing more. So I jumped my newly toned ass, on a train to green park and went to a little hot spot i like to hang out in. Waterstones. Yes, the book shop. I discovered it when I went to a meetup event there last year.  This one is 5 floors high and the best thing is you can just rock up and chill out on one of their many sofa's.  So that's what I did.  My book "My Name is Nobody" has reached that peak point, where I'm struggling to put it down. I love this point of any book - you're so engrossed you block out the whole world and  you just want to finish it to find out how it ends.  I was in there for a good couple of hours, before I  went to choose some more books to buy - Note to self - remember to research books/authors before going to buy. This place contains more books than the library in Beauty and the Beast.

It only occurred to me how hungry I was when I walked up the stairs from the 1st to the 5th floor to use the toilets (only to be told they were out of order, so I had to use the ones of the lower ground floor). I really got those steps in today. 24,772 to be precise.  So I  went to grab a coffee and a cinnamon danish.  FYI damn good Danish. Now I'm thinking about it I should have bought one to go.  I mean I have earned the calories right.  As I was in no hurry I casually strolled back to the station. Even bumped into a colleague from work on the way.

The point to these chronicles of my days movements, was that that even though I was spending the day on my own, I was doing something I enjoyed and was OK being by myself.  The thing is even when your out on your own,  you meet and can end up chatting to random people.  For example, once I was back on the tube, a group of girls, jumped on just before the doors were closing and one got stuck, so the others fought with the door to help her. Standard procedure - my girls would have done the same. Now the train driver, decided to announce that the train was now being held in the platform due to the restraining of the door. Fair play. However this driver chose to broadcast to the whole train that "due to some people being idiots, the train was being held up until further notice" He then continued with his rant by pointing out that "Its not hard to be adults, thankfully for these idiots that held up the train and that they should have used there brains and waited for the next one to arrive" To which, myself and 3 other ladies in the carriage exchanged looks of amused shock at how hard he was going in on these girls. Which sparked a conversation. Now its not like I became BFF with these ladies, but you never know what a random conversation could lead to.

Have a great day, remember you are a unicorn and let anyone shit on your rainbow ❤

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